- December 24, 2024からJanuary 31, 2025まで
- 100.0 以上の購入が必要です。
- 最大割引:1.0
- すべてのサービス購入時に適用可能
- 新規・既存のお客様にご利用いただけます。
- すべてのGoWabiプラットフォームで有効です。
- 1アカウントにつき1 3回まで使用可能
- 先着10000 名様のみ利用可能
- --- How to use ---
- Collect the voucher from this page or from "Collect Vouchers" tab from your profile page
- From your checkout page, tap on "Got a Discount? >" tab on Cashback section and apply this voucher
- This voucher is now applied to your checkout!
- --- T&C ---
- To get ฿60 (x5) voucher, you must apply the ฿1 Super Save Voucher on your booking within the campaign period
- ฿1 Super Saver Voucher has a minimum purchase of ฿100
- ฿60 (5x) prize voucher will have a minimum purchase of ฿600
- You will receive your prize voucher within 2 days after making a purchase with ฿1 Super Saver Voucher