Celine Clinic

อาคารศุภาลัย ปาร์ค รัชโยธิน( ชั้น1 ) 250/3 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก (ฝั่งตรงข้ามธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์สำนักงานใหญ่)

Celine Clinic  comp Celine Clinic  comp
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Celine Clinic  image_picker_0860D339-BCCD-43C4-8F22-CF57A1ABA267-6183-0000053FBB34BB09 Celine Clinic  image_picker_0860D339-BCCD-43C4-8F22-CF57A1ABA267-6183-0000053FBB34BB09
Celine Clinic  image_picker_7D47BADD-F6E5-480A-8562-C6442B37DB5B-6183-0000053FBE059BA8 Celine Clinic  image_picker_7D47BADD-F6E5-480A-8562-C6442B37DB5B-6183-0000053FBE059BA8
Celine Clinic  image_picker_1E0F2F3B-8524-4AB4-A59F-7A7853366FAE-6183-0000053FBB2D5859 Celine Clinic  image_picker_1E0F2F3B-8524-4AB4-A59F-7A7853366FAE-6183-0000053FBB2D5859
Celine Clinic  image_picker_A45E9814-B4C9-40B7-AB6C-C397017BD54B-6183-0000053FBDAB2821 Celine Clinic  image_picker_A45E9814-B4C9-40B7-AB6C-C397017BD54B-6183-0000053FBDAB2821
Celine Clinic  image_picker_D62D99BF-2A58-4AD0-B2AC-D6F645DC9F58-6183-0000053FBB429C4F Celine Clinic  image_picker_D62D99BF-2A58-4AD0-B2AC-D6F645DC9F58-6183-0000053FBB429C4F
Celine Clinic  image_picker_08F73873-1AE3-4B4A-B7D7-6228DA289EF6-6183-0000053FBC63F780 Celine Clinic  image_picker_08F73873-1AE3-4B4A-B7D7-6228DA289EF6-6183-0000053FBC63F780
Celine Clinic  image_picker_7279DCD7-0CC5-4327-B859-1464A555074A-6183-0000053FBB5B41C4 Celine Clinic  image_picker_7279DCD7-0CC5-4327-B859-1464A555074A-6183-0000053FBB5B41C4
Celine Clinic  image_picker_EFF714CB-A04E-4509-802C-567077488DD3-6183-0000053FBB6BFCF3 Celine Clinic  image_picker_EFF714CB-A04E-4509-802C-567077488DD3-6183-0000053FBB6BFCF3
Celine Clinic  image_picker_B4B99FCA-3197-499E-B727-BA6CA8C4930A-6183-0000053FBB7C7445 Celine Clinic  image_picker_B4B99FCA-3197-499E-B727-BA6CA8C4930A-6183-0000053FBB7C7445
Celine Clinic  image_picker_B1463F59-474D-4288-B296-422AC7975199-6183-0000053FBDC7D0F8 Celine Clinic  image_picker_B1463F59-474D-4288-B296-422AC7975199-6183-0000053FBDC7D0F8
Celine Clinic  image_picker_C3842764-824F-4579-870C-477B12CAC7E3-6183-0000053FBB6601F4 Celine Clinic  image_picker_C3842764-824F-4579-870C-477B12CAC7E3-6183-0000053FBB6601F4
Celine Clinic  image_picker_4A369AA1-7D70-45AD-AE42-55A96DB45CBD-6183-0000053FBB601725 Celine Clinic  image_picker_4A369AA1-7D70-45AD-AE42-55A96DB45CBD-6183-0000053FBB601725
Celine Clinic  image_picker_109CEC72-2ACA-4028-AC02-36191905CDC9-6183-0000053FC068D9ED Celine Clinic  image_picker_109CEC72-2ACA-4028-AC02-36191905CDC9-6183-0000053FC068D9ED
Celine Clinic  image_picker_6783720B-7BB0-447D-8606-F594335B42DD-6183-0000053FBB71A728 Celine Clinic  image_picker_6783720B-7BB0-447D-8606-F594335B42DD-6183-0000053FBB71A728
Celine Clinic  image_picker_FA045592-9580-4ED6-B550-62E031C3065C-6183-0000053FBB773190 Celine Clinic  image_picker_FA045592-9580-4ED6-B550-62E031C3065C-6183-0000053FBB773190
Celine Clinic  image_picker_EC75E3EF-195B-44FE-8D7C-E078373430E5-6183-0000053FBDBFFC4B Celine Clinic  image_picker_EC75E3EF-195B-44FE-8D7C-E078373430E5-6183-0000053FBDBFFC4B
Celine Clinic  image_picker_1ABAA869-814A-4C67-B389-BBE697457F63-6183-0000053FBEC784E0 Celine Clinic  image_picker_1ABAA869-814A-4C67-B389-BBE697457F63-6183-0000053FBEC784E0
Celine Clinic  image_picker_76487E80-2590-4A9E-AF4A-41341AEC9933-6183-0000053FBD97C085 Celine Clinic  image_picker_76487E80-2590-4A9E-AF4A-41341AEC9933-6183-0000053FBD97C085
Celine Clinic  image_picker_1D66707C-A09D-4BC3-B8A5-77C37A533225-6183-0000053FBC4F89F4 Celine Clinic  image_picker_1D66707C-A09D-4BC3-B8A5-77C37A533225-6183-0000053FBC4F89F4
Celine Clinic  image_picker_6A9CB9C7-F121-4CE9-8BAB-36EF3742C0B2-6183-0000053FBFF43E57 Celine Clinic  image_picker_6A9CB9C7-F121-4CE9-8BAB-36EF3742C0B2-6183-0000053FBFF43E57
Celine Clinic  image_picker_4E49B212-C813-4BA0-BCD8-CC811BC474A5-6183-0000053FBEE48F80 Celine Clinic  image_picker_4E49B212-C813-4BA0-BCD8-CC811BC474A5-6183-0000053FBEE48F80
Celine Clinic  image_picker_2BFBF90E-7362-4A7E-93B7-A3E0F61CE2E1-6183-0000053FBDDA9B50 Celine Clinic  image_picker_2BFBF90E-7362-4A7E-93B7-A3E0F61CE2E1-6183-0000053FBDDA9B50
Celine Clinic  image_picker_BF1561ED-420B-4A2A-BF34-9C4D4CEEA3BB-6183-0000053FBE4A5461 Celine Clinic  image_picker_BF1561ED-420B-4A2A-BF34-9C4D4CEEA3BB-6183-0000053FBE4A5461
Celine Clinic  image_picker_C112355A-74E3-493E-BFE0-5334514F507F-6183-0000053FBDE86C60 Celine Clinic  image_picker_C112355A-74E3-493E-BFE0-5334514F507F-6183-0000053FBDE86C60
Celine Clinic  image_picker_0A015238-E24E-45F7-9002-66D98E2D75CC-6183-0000053FBDF5206D Celine Clinic  image_picker_0A015238-E24E-45F7-9002-66D98E2D75CC-6183-0000053FBDF5206D
Celine Clinic  image_picker_259ECEC8-BA2B-403A-9B70-BE6A49BE29C8-6183-0000053FBDB7BC96 Celine Clinic  image_picker_259ECEC8-BA2B-403A-9B70-BE6A49BE29C8-6183-0000053FBDB7BC96
Celine Clinic  image_picker_4554EA19-CF65-4694-A319-535F3A7D9DE8-6183-0000053FC0375F08 Celine Clinic  image_picker_4554EA19-CF65-4694-A319-535F3A7D9DE8-6183-0000053FC0375F08
Celine Clinic  image_picker_97785DC3-7777-4912-9240-A8155574DE23-6183-0000053FBED3E4BC Celine Clinic  image_picker_97785DC3-7777-4912-9240-A8155574DE23-6183-0000053FBED3E4BC
Celine Clinic  image_picker_7BD42099-4D7B-4554-9493-284B17CDF5A7-6183-0000053FC03421ED Celine Clinic  image_picker_7BD42099-4D7B-4554-9493-284B17CDF5A7-6183-0000053FC03421ED
Celine Clinic  image_picker_D3EACD00-0322-4957-9586-ED44F66BAAAC-6183-0000053FC06F593C Celine Clinic  image_picker_D3EACD00-0322-4957-9586-ED44F66BAAAC-6183-0000053FC06F593C

ดีค่ะ พี่ๆน่ารักทุกคนเลย🥰🥰🥰

- ปารียา


- Praew

พนักงานทุกคนบริการดีมาก เสริฟน้ำ พูดคุยยิ้มแย้

- โสภิดา

CELINE CLINIC. Supalai Park Ratchayothin, a beauty clinic that places the utmost importance on safety standards, is outstanding in facial shaping and skin care. Celine Clinic Supalai Park Ratchayothin, a comprehensive beauty clinic in the Ratchayothin area, close to Supalai Park Ratchayothin, easily accessible. Celine Clinic was founded by Dr.Sarunras Apiwarananthakul. A beauty clinic that carefully selects the products used in the service, paying attention to every step of the service, clean, safe, and worthwhile. Dr.Sarunras, a doctor who is an expert in eye filler injections, บท็อกซ์ injections, and mesotherapy injections. Providing HIFU, บท็อกซ์, Filler, Sculptra services. In addition to the doctors, the medical team and beauty products at Celine Clinic Supalai Park Ratchayothin are carefully selected. The clinic's staff are well trained as beauty experts and are able to give advice and advice to those receiving services that are precise and accurate. Celine Clinic Supalai Park Ratchayothin beauty clinic ready to serve HIFU, บท็อกซ์, Filler, Sculptra. How to get to Celine Clinic Supalai Park Ratchayothin? - Celine Clinic Supalai Park Ratchayothin can travel easily. Great value! Special promotions and discounts from Celine Clinic at GoWabi. Read reviews from real users. - Great value promotions - Special price discount - Receive cash back credit after using the service - 0% installment payment for up to 6 months for services with a service fee of more than 3,000 baht. - There are reviews from real, trustworthy users.   Terms & Conditions: • All purchases and treatments cannot be amended. • These vouchers cannot be used with other promotions. • Show your voucher from email or GoWabi app for verification • Appointment has to be booked in advance. The shop contact details will be available in your “GoWabi’s Booking Confirmation email or My Booking page”

더 보기
추천 서비스

LED 라이트 테라피

IPL laser is a must-have for every clinic, which helps to make your face clear, tighten pores, and reduce redness and dark spots from acne.


Revitalizes the skin, creating new skin cells to be smooth and clear. Makes the skin glowing, shiny, and deeply nourishes and restores radiance to the skin.

Meso Fat is a drug to tighten the body that is very popular nowadays. It consists of medicinal substances that have the ability to accelerate fat burning. including helping to reduce the process of creating new fat cells, including

- L-Carnitine has properties to help turn fat cells into energy. including breaking down excess fat under the skin

- Mesostabil (Mesostabyl) reduces the formation of new fat cells and cholesterol in the tissue layer.

- Tyrosine (Tyrosine) accelerates the burning of body fat to be more efficient.

- Artichoke extract reduces the formation of fatty acids and specific lipid levels.

In addition to these four drugs Doctors in some hospitals also use other drugs, such as phosphatidylcholine. (Phosphatidylcholine), a substance deoxycholate. (Deoxycholate) Dexpanthenol (Dexpanthenol), which is extracted from the beneficial nutrients in egg yolks and soybeans, as well as other vitamins, which have specific fat-lowering properties in mesofat injections to patients with and see results. Obviously, it is highly secure.

레이저 치료

Fractional CO2 Laser is the laser using Carbon dioxide gas as a medium to produce laser light with a wavelength of 10,600 nm, which can absorb water on the skin well. It has been used to cure various diseases, including warts, skin tags, freckles, moles, flecks, Sebaceous hyperplasia, syringomas tumor, surgical and acne scars.

Restylane filler, one of the certified filler brands, is often used to re-shape the entire face and rejuvenate the skin to maintain a youthful appearance. The brand is good at lifting the skin.
Medical Services
Liver Detox
바디 슬리밍

Solution products for facial lifting It's a safe drug. and see the results clearly which consists of Methylsilanol Mannuronate (laminaria algae) and Caffeine work to dissolve cellulite. and subcutaneous fat Help tighten the skin and body proportions. and does not cause burning while injecting

장소 평가


How to get there

Celine Clinic
อาคารศุภาลัย ปาร์ค รัชโยธิน( ชั้น1 ) 250/3 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก (ฝั่งตรงข้ามธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์สำนักงานใหญ่)

Mon 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Tue 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Wed 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Fri 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Sat 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Sun 12:00 PM - 07:30 PM

리뷰 (고객이 방문 후 작성)
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ดีค่ะ พี่ๆน่ารักทุกคนเลย🥰🥰🥰

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게시됨 22 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 22 며칠 전

ขอบคุณที่เลือกใช้บริการ Celine Clinic นะคะ

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게시됨 65 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 64 며칠 전

ขอบคุณนะคะ ไว้มาใช้บริการอีกนะคะ

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พนักงานทุกคนบริการดีมาก เสริฟน้ำ พูดคุยยิ้มแย้ม พี่ที่กดสิวก็พูดดี แนะนำดี ใว้มีโอกาสจะไปซ้ำนะคะ รอโปรดีๆ55555 (ละสิวเยอะไรขนาดนั้นอะแก5555)

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게시됨 69 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 69 며칠 전

ขอบคุณมากๆนะคะ ที่เลือกใช้บริการ CELINE CLINIC ไว้มาอีกนะคะ 🙏🏽💗

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게시됨 86 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 86 며칠 전


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พนักงานบริการดีมาก คลินิคสะอาด


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게시됨 102 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 97 며칠 전


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게시됨 144 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 142 며칠 전

ขอบคุณที่เลือกใช้บริการ Celine Clinic ไว้พบกันอีกนะคะ

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เดินทางสะดวกหาง่าย พนักงานแนะนำดี คลินิกสะอาด

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게시됨 198 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 182 며칠 전

ขอบคุณมากๆนะคะ ไว้พบกันอีกนะคะ💚

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กดสิวฉ่ำมาก ชอบสุดๆ ต้องไปซ้ำเด้อ อย่าหาทำกดสิวเอง ไปให้ที่นี่กดให้

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게시됨 255 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 252 며칠 전

ขอบคุณค่ะคุณลูกค้า พบกันอีกนะคะ❤️

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게시됨 67 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 66 며칠 전


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พนักงานน่ารัก ไม่ขายของ ต้องไปใช้บริการกันนะคะ

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게시됨 83 며칠 전

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Go Wabi User 게시됨 75 며칠 전


사람들은 또한 좋아합니다

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the recommended services and their prices at Celine Clinic?

The recommended services at Celine Clinic and their prices are:

LED LIGHTS THERAPY ( 1 TIME ) - Prices at ฿299

ACNE CLAER + BIO LIGHT Laser - Prices at ฿499

OXY JET PEEL ( 1 TIME ) - Prices at ฿699

MADE COLLAGEN PLUS ( 1 TIME ) - Prices at ฿999

EXTRA WHITE PLUS “Buy1- Get1” - Prices at ฿999

WHITE& BRIGHT FACAIL TREATMENT (8Steps) - Prices at ฿1,299

What are the highest-reviewed and most popular services at Celine Clinic?

The highest-reviewed and most popular services at Celine Clinic and their prices are:

ACNE CLAER + BIO LIGHT Laser - Prices at ฿499

ULTRA HIFU - Facial Lifting - Prices at ฿3,150

GOLDEN THERAPY - Prices at ฿2,500

Fractional Co2 Laser - Prices at ฿1,999

EXTRA WHITE PLUS “Buy1- Get1” - Prices at ฿999


Where is Celine Clinic located?

Celine Clinic is located at อาคารศุภาลัย ปาร์ค รัชโยธิน( ชั้น1 ) 250/3 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก (ฝั่งตรงข้ามธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์สำนักงานใหญ่)

What are the operating hours of Celine Clinic?

Celine Clinic Operating Hours

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When does the voucher expire after purchase?

Generally, vouchers are valid for 60 days after purchase. However, some services may have different expiration periods, either shorter or longer. Please carefully check the expiration or validation terms for each service in the service details section.

How can I make an appointment or change my appointment date?

You can make or reschedule an appointment directly with the shop at least one day before your visit. The shop's contact information is available in your booking or voucher details after you make a purchase.

Can I cancel my booking?

In general, cancellations and refunds are available within 7 days of purchase as cashback refunds. However, some services may have different terms. Please carefully check the cancellation and refund policies for each service you wish to purchase.

What should I do if I am late?

You should aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment time. If you are late, it may cause a delay in your scheduled appointment. Arriving more than 15 minutes late could result in cancellation.

In case of a late arrival, please ensure you contact the shop directly to inform them of your delay. You can find the shop's contact information in your booking or voucher details after making a purchase.

What payment options are available for Celine Clinic ?

We offer a variety of payment options for your convenience. For online payment, you can pay using credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), debit cards, truemoney Wallet, ShopeePay, LINE Pay, Alipay, Google Pay, Internet Banking and PromptPay. For in-store payment, we also accept cash.

Can I pay using an installment plan?

Installment plans are available for services valued at ฿3,000 or more. Look for the "0% Installment Available" text on each eligible service. The installment plan offers a maximum period of 6 months with 0% interest.

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